Emergency Response

To provide life-saving interventions such as search and rescue, medical care,
and distribution of essential supplies

Emergency Response

Ensuring safety and protection
of Vulnerable populations.

Both natural and human-made disasters require effective emergency preparedness, response, and recovery efforts to mitigate their impact and protect lives and livelihoods. Governments, communities, and organizations play critical roles in disaster management.

We work tirelessly to provide essential services such as food, water, shelter, medical care, and psychological support to those affected.These efforts not only address the urgent needs of the affected population but also demonstrate solidarity, compassion, and resilience in the face of adversity.


Here are our emeregency respose

Somalia Drought

Over a year has passed with no rain in Somalia. The extended dry spell has decimated cattle and crops and raised the death and hunger rates..

Yemen Emergency

Yemen is suffering from sickness, conflict, and poverty. One child under the age of five (5) dies every ten minutes due to a lack of food, water.....

Palestine Emergency

The vicious assaults on Gaza have left over 68,000 Palestinians injured and close to 30,000 dead. More than 1.8 million people in Gaza have been forced from their homes..